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Israeli Hotlines

Get Help Fast!

  • Suicide Hotline: 1201

  • Suicide Hotline Chat:

  • Anxiety and Trauma victims hotline: 1-800-363363

  • Assistance for victims of sexual assault and rape:

  • Domestic violence: Nationwide emergency hotline 1-800-22-0000

  • Child Protection Association: 1-800-223966

  • Child Victims of Sexual Abuse: 02-6333387/61, *9779

  • 24 Hour Crisis Hotline for Religious Women: 02-673-0002

  • Teen Crisis Hotline: 050-HOTLINE (050-468-5463)

  • Arabic hotline for male victims of sexual abuse: 1203

Psychiatric Facilities In Israel

Abarbanel Mental Health Center

 Bat Yam



The center provides comprehensive care: medical, psychological, and rehabilitation interventions aid in coping with and managing complex mental illness. Accommodates patients requiring inpatient treatment. The hospital does not have age restrictions.

Antonie and Alexander Moksel Psychiatric Center, Sheba Medical Centre Tel HaShomer

​Ramat Gan


The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer offers a comprehensive range of mental health services at the highest quality. It includes inpatient and outpatient departments, specialty clinics and occupational therapy services.

Barzilai Medical Center

08-6745700, 08-6745600


The Department of Psychiatry accepts Adults only who suffer from mental disorders. Treatment is according to a bio-psycho-social model. A substantial part of treatments is of patients with acute stress reactions following Qassam rockets attacks in the area. Also offers electro-convulsive therapy.

Bnai Zion Medical Center



Offers Outpatient care focusing on diagnosis and treatment of ADHD, treatment of Holocaust survivors, victims of sexual abuse , bariatric and obesity, and a transgender clinic. Based on a Bio-Psych-Social integrative approach.

Rambam Healthcare Campus - Psychiatry & Mental Health Division



The Psychiatry and Mental Health Division is made up of an inpatient ward, a day treatment unit, an ambulatory outpatient services, a child and adolescent psychiatry service, and consultation-liaison services. The division provides diagnostic and treatment services for all psychiatric disorders in a wide range of settings. The treatment model is eclectic, and includes state-of-the-art biological treatments and various forms of individual and group psychotherapy with a focus on short-term and evidence-based interventions.

Hadassah Medical Center



The psychiatric department provides treatment for adults and children with inpatient and outpatient facilities. The medical staff specializes in treating various mental conditions and disorders including Treatment Resistant Depression, PTSD, Eating Disorders and mental problems with physical comorbidities.

Herzog Hospital



Herzog Hospital’s Psychiatric Division cares for patients of all ages suffering from psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, and chronic depression. There are separate units for men and women, allowing the expansion of its services to provide psychiatric care to patients from the Ultra Orthodox Community as well.

Mazra Mental Health Center



The hospital provides emergency care, a day care unit, and open and locked wards for adults. Treatments include crisis intervention and rehabilitation, and a Psychogeriatric department.

Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center

Bnei Brak    


The Mental Health Wing at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center is meeting the urgent need for Israeli's mentally ill adults and children to benefit from enlightened psychiatric treatment and therapeutic services in a holistic environment that successfully removes the stigma of mental illness.

Matzpen Mental Health Center

Tel Aviv    

03-9444-104, 03-771-28-28    

private clinic for neurology, psychotherapy and psychiatry which specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental and neurological disorders and diseases, the treatment of addictions, as well as helping with the psychological problems and psychosomatic phenomena.

Hillel Yaffe Medical Center


 04-6339677, 04-6332603    

The Psychogeriatric Service treats people aged 65 and older, who are experiencing difficulty, crises and various situations in their lives such as loss, disease, different types of depression and anxiety, as well as inter-generational conflicts and conflicts with their partners.

Shalvata Mental Health Center

Hod Hasharon    


Therapy of patients with mental disorders based on the principle of combining different methods. Offers inpatient and ambulatory care services with facilities for youth and geriatric patients. Also has a designated Depression Unit.

Geha Mental Health Center 

 Petah Tikva    


Geha multidisciplinary mental health center works with Clalit health insurance. Their facilities include inpatient and outpatient care for adults as well as children. Treatment of patients with mental disorders is based on an initial diagnosis with the further structure of therapy, rehabilitation, and adaptation.


Evolutions Treatment Facility





Programs ranging from 5-7 days of inpatient detoxification to 90 days or more for those stepping through our full continuum of treatment services designed to help reintegrate individuals into a new sober lifestyle one stride at a time. Our licensed services include Inpatient Detoxification, Residential Treatment, Outpatient Detoxification, Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), and Outpatient Programs. Additionally, we offer psychological and psychiatric assessment and a variety of outpatient group and individual services.

The Jerusalem Mental Health center



Provides treatment for a variety of mental disorders at all ages, including acute psychotic breaks, and prolonged psychosis. The treatment system includes conventional biological treatments (various types of drugs, multi-sensory stimulation and electrical shock), couples and family therapy, individual and group psychotherapy, art therapy and occupational therapy. Offers Inpatient and Outpatient services.


Thrive Solutions Las Vegas, NV

6069 S Fort Apache Rd., Suite 115,

Las Vegas, NV 89148


THRIVE Solutions provides evidence-based substance abuse treatment that will help you get on the path to recovery and break the cycle.

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